Scheduling your furnace service in September is a smart move for several reasons: the current weather, the timing, the upcoming winter season, and, most importantly, your safety. We care about our customers, so at Troy Furnace & Air Conditioning, we are here to make sure you’re fully prepared for fall and the winter season ahead.
This is important because neglecting a safety and tune-up check can leave potential furnace issues unaddressed, especially when you need it the most. So, let’s go over four solid reasons why scheduling a furnace tune-up in September is a smart move!

September Is the Perfect Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to the Weather
You might be wondering, “Why September?” Well, scheduling your furnace tune-up this month makes practical sense. In fact, industry standards recommend having your furnace inspected and tuned up before it’s used for the season, which usually means at the end of summer or the beginning of fall for most people. Remember, in 2024, fall officially starts on September 22nd!
It’s also important to know that when you have your furnace serviced, it will need to be temporarily turned off for a safe and thorough inspection by our technicians. Therefore, scheduling this HVAC service this month is a smart choice considering the weather conditions.
September Is the Perfect Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to It Not Being Busy
During the year, the HVAC industry sees a lot of demand for repairs, replacements, and upgrades. However, with the arrival of fall, the need for air conditioning decreases, so September tends to be less busy. This makes it easier for you to get an appointment at a time that works for you. Don’t wait until the last-minute rush; schedule your tune-up and safety check now!
September Is the Perfect Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to Winter Coming
Now is the perfect time to prepare your furnace for the upcoming winter. We recommend booking your annual furnace tune-up and safety check early in the fall, if possible. Completing this proactive step paves the way for your heating unit to be ready for Ohio’s harsh winter weather ahead. After all, the last thing you want is for your furnace to break down in the middle of winter, especially when it could have been avoided with a timely fall tune-up and early problem detection.

September Is the Perfect Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to the Safety Aspect
Did you know that winter often sees an increase in carbon monoxide poisoning cases? This is mainly because more furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines are in use. The National Safety Council strongly advises having your furnace, water heater, and other coal-burning appliances checked each year by a licensed technician. Ignoring this important task could put you, your loved ones, and your home in danger. Regular annual furnace checkups not only help your furnace perform better during the cold months but also allow your technician to spot and fix potential problems early.
In conclusion, we recommend scheduling your HVAC system’s fall tune-up in September if possible. But we also know that life can be busy and delays happen, so if September slips by, don’t worry—you can still schedule your furnace tune-up in October or early November. Remember, it’s always better late than never!
Finally, keep in mind that regular yearly furnace maintenance checks help to keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that isn’t a good bonus reason to schedule your tune-up, we don’t know what is!
Call Troy Furnace & Air Conditioning today at (937) 230-5521, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!